breathing As an art & life-long journey
Many of us may take breathing for granted. I certainly did until a few years ago when I started experiencing insomnia, anxiety, and overwhelming stress as a result of healthcare burnout. I was also at a crossroads in my professional life, conflicted with my career choice as a pharmacist. Watching my patients take increasing amounts of medications without significant improvements to their chronic health conditions made me feel like I was doing a disservice to them. I felt that my job no longer aligned with my values of helping people become healthier.
We were missing the forest for the trees by placing too much weight on medication use. If we could shift our focus to providing education and resources on sustainable lifestyle modifications, we could potentially unburden people from long-term medication use.
The logic seemed sound but I had zero clue on how to turn it into action. Feeling trapped, I spent a lot of time retreating to the mountains and the ocean, hoping to find answers and re-discover my sense of purpose. I also relied a little too heavily on Netflix bingeing, chip snacking, doom-scrolling, and over-indulging on wine to escape the discomfort.
Fortunately the universe must have heard my plea for help. Serendipitously, I crossed paths with the founders of PeakFlow, a breathwork academy, in sunny Encinitas, CA. Thus began my journey of discovering the power of our breath. It was as if someone had shown me how to operate the “thermostat” to my nervous system for the first time.
Little by little, with daily breath practices, I was able to calm my mind down, reduce my stress levels and sleep better at night. It gave me a sense of agency to learn new ways to take better care of my health without the need for expensive gadgets or equipment.
With a revived passion for the art of healing, I’m dedicated to re-balancing the yin & yang of western medicine alongside ancient breathwork practices. My hope is to share them with you so that you too can re-discover the magic in life.
Much love & gratitude, Jen